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Importing a resource

In this article, we will review how to import Resources from external systems (connections).

1. Navigate to the Resources page.

2. In the upper left part of the screen, click on the Actions dropdown and choose Import resources. You will be redirected to the Resource import screen.

3. On the Import Resources page select the connection you want to import your resources from. If the necessary connection is not configured yet, you can use the Add new connection option in the same dropdown menu to open the connection setup screen. Refer to these articles to add the required connection to PPM Express: PPM Express Connections

Alternatively, you can add a restricted Office 365 connection that can be added with a regular user account (no admin consent is required) for importing resources from Azure Active Directory. This type of connection can be created only from the Import Resources page. It can be used only for Azure Active Directory user and resource synchronization or resource import.

4. After you select and establish a connection, click on it and you will see the list of all the resources available in the chosen source system. Any resources that are not already imported into PPM Express will be marked as Not Linked in the Status column of this list. Match by name and email status shows that the name and email for a certain resource are the same in PPM Express and the external system. 

5. Mark the resources you want to import into PPM Express and click the Import Resources button. Importing resources may take some time.

When the import process is completed, imported resources will have a Linked status. 

Please note: When importing resources from Jira, resource emails may not be imported due to Jira API limitations. To import resource emails from Jira to PPM Express it is required to make all accounts selected for import visible to anyone who can view your content and accessible by installed apps. For this purpose open the Account settings => Profile and visibility => Anyone

The setting should be set to Anyone before the import process begins. 

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