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Archiving Projects

In this article, we will review how to archive Projects in PPM Express. 

Archiving your Projects will ensure that you have completely finished working on a certain Project, but will also help you avoid losing data that need to be preserved for transparency, record keeping, and evidence of certain Project activities. 

Archiving Projects will also allow you to reference old Projects in the construction of new ones. By having a living record of your Project data on a range of different matters, it becomes really easy to rely on past Projects as critical reference points when setting up new ones.


Note: By default, the Archiving Projects feature is available for the Enterprise Ultra plan only. If you are on a different plan and want to include this functionality, please contact the PPM Express Sales Team at sales@ppm.express

To archive PPM Express Projects, perform the following: 

1. Open the Projects page in the timeline or table view (the Archive feature is available in the card view as well, but only for one Project at a time). Select the Project(s) you need to archive. 

2. Click the Archive button on the top bar.

To archive a single Project, open the Project menu from the ellipsis button and select ‘Archive.’ 


Note: Private Projects cannot be archived. 

3. In the pop-up window, confirm that you want to archive the selected Projects. 


Note: Archiving removes the Projects and their items from all views. 

The archived Project is removed from the Program and Portfolio. The rolled-up data such as Project Key Dates, Risks will be also removed from the Portfolio/Program where the Project was included. Archived Projects cannot be found using the search option. 

Also, the archived Project data is not available in OData and, thus, in PPM Express Power BI Reports. 

When archiving, all other Project data is saved and becomes available in read-only mode. The archived Project also saves PPM Express tasks and tasks synchronized from external systems. 

4. When the Projects are archived, they become available in read-only mode under the Settings (gear button) -> ‘Archived Projects’ option. 

Only the PPM Express Administrator and Project Managers (only the Projects they manage) can see the archived Projects on this page. 

Once archived, the Projects cannot be restored. However, the archived Projects can be cloned. 

In this case, a new Project with the same name and a 'Copy' word will appear on the Projects page.

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